How to start a career in the fastest-growing industry on Earth?

Wednesday, November 09, 2022 by CzechPawel
How to start a career in the fastest-growing industry on Earth?

AI is the number one growth industry on Earth and will stay that way for the coming decade.

If you are considering a career change, AI is the best choice.

There is an opportunity to make this change happen in a few days. All you need to do is spend the weekend working together with like-minded people on 18/11/2022 during Cohere Hackathon, brought to you by

šŸ¤ Meet Cohere

Cohere provides tools to help businesses harness the power of AI. Their products are designed to be easy to use and integrate with existing business systems. The Cohere natural language processing platform makes it easier for developers to build natural language processing models into applications and helps companies infuse natural language processing capabilities into their business using tools like chatbots, without requiring AI expertise of their own.

Cohere is a company that specializes in artificial intelligence. Their mission is to help businesses harness the power of AI to improve their operations. Cohere offers a suite of AI-powered tools that can be used to automate tasks, improve customer service, and boost sales. Their products are designed to be easy to use and integrate with existing business systems. The Cohere natural language processing platform makes it easier for developers to build natural language processing models into applications and helps companies infuse natural language processing capabilities into their business using tools like chatbots. Everything without requiring AI expertise of their own.

Start with Cohere Tutorials and explore the coding and how-to guides available on our website to help you get started and learn to build with Cohere artificial intelligence technology

šŸ’” Try our tutorials:

Text embedder with Cohere

Text embedding is a powerful tool that can be used to improve the performance of machine learning algorithms. Neural networks are a widely used and effective method for creating text embeddings. Text embeddings can be used for tasks such as text classification, text similarity, and text clustering.

Build a product description generator API with cohere

In this tutorial, you will build your own product description generator API with Cohere. You can use this API to generate product descriptions for your own products. This tutorial is suitable for everyone who have some basic knowledge of Javascript/NodeJS.

Text classifier with Cohere

Cohere models can be used not only to generate the text but also for classification. In this tutorial, you will be able to classify a short text, with a small dataset.

Then make sure to work with like-minded people during the upcoming Cohere Thanksgiving AI Hackathon! A Hackathon to be thankful for!

golden background image is so excited to invite you to participate in the Cohere Thanksgiving Hackathon on 18/11/2022. This is the perfect opportunity for you to give back, build something to express gratitude and spread joy! We encourage you to reflect on your year. Met a mentor? Had a life-changing experience? Passionate about a cause? We want to hear your story! Join us, as we provide you with the platform to innovate and use these experiences to give back, support, and uplift others in the community. It could be a business idea or a social cause, the theme is up to your interpretation! Join us to build, create and innovate with other like-minded people! Not to mention our incredible rewards! You can win more than $2000 in cash prizes!

Enroll now!

šŸ› ļø Check out what other people have built during the previous Cohere Hackathons.

Brain Tumor Classification

We have developed a Brain tumor classification app that helps doctors with the diagnosis. With this tool insurance and public health systems can launch massive brain tumor detection campaigns and save much time with the diagnosis, which will help in the early detection of this deadly disease.

Research Paper Clustering

The goal is to provide an interactive tool for visualizing research papers in a 2D map where the papers are placed on the map based on some vector embedding of the summary. The papers that are similar to each other will cluster together. This will allow researchers to identify papers that have similar concepts and even allow users to look at concepts from different fields that are applicable in their own field.

Fake News Detector

The proposed solution alongside my teammates is to build a Fake News Detection Application meant to limit the propaganda effect. With the use of Node.js and GPT-3 trained model Davinci, we gave birth to our CrewBot.

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