United States
8 years of experience
CEO of Poly186
👋🏻Hi there folks, i'm here to produce the backoffice and productive environment of the future where multiple agents interact to produce an office's worth of knowledge. Specifically i'm focussed on simple interfaces to deliver highly specific and precise business intelligence , creating decision support systems based on these & then AI-augmented executions of investment theses. - join me on huggingface : https://www.huggingface.co/multitransformer - join my build-in-public discord : https://discord.gg/VqTxc76K3u - contribute here : https://github.com/tonic-ai
🌟PolyGPT : Pluripotent AGI-style agent of agents that can build and deploy its own stack, go online and produce multi file multi folder multi media outputs using any tool and pipeline !