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In order to keep up with innovation and upgrade further our cutting edge technologies, it is necessary to develop the education accordingly. With the introduction of mobile devices in the begining of the XXIth century, a great breakthrough was achieved in education. There already exist many scientificly proven applications designed to help students deeping their knowledge in nearly every subject. However these algorithms only focused on lexical knowledge, of which relevance started to decline in the age of AI. To have this problem sorted and in order to make learning even easier propose a new technology focusing on the connections inside a topic. We create a graph view from an arbitrary note, book, or any kinds of written material by implementing knowledge graphs. We use an LMM (large language model) to detect connections inside a document from which we create its knowledge graph. Our application has several features to help the student immerse into the selected topic. After uploading the material the generated graph is visible under the 'graph' menu. Here the user can freely move around revealing the connections. To achieve deeper understanding there are two other features: active revision and enquiry. With active revision, the app is asking questions regarding the topic, for which the student can type in their answer, while in the enquiry tab the student can ask questions from the AI to gain a better understanding. With these features our back-end technology qualifies perfectly to mimic a teacher and give a personalised learning environment of which schools are not capable of. We belive that Edugraph undoubtedly will emerge as the perfect tool accompanying the compulsory education by presenting personalised learning experience.