
Enrique Descamps@0xdesdenova

Ranking system
is under improvement


Events attended


Submissions made


6 years of experience

About me

Hello 👋 I am Enrique. Born and raised in Guatemala 🇬🇹 I enjoy building products and unleashing them out ASAP. This is often a challenge because losing focus is easy, but I have been successfully improving my ability to ignore new stuff I really want to work on. Currently, I am product lead at colegios.com 🖍️ This has been great as I get to work on improving education in Legendary Mode. Why Legendary Mode? Well... - Many places in Guatemala lack stable access to electricity - Poor internet coverage - Drastically unequal access to opportunity between the top 25% and the bottom 25% (especially in education) - Sub par reading/writing capabilities in the general population ... to name a few. Other than my work as a developer, I enjoy making ceramics, baking anything bread related, gardening and wine.


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