Hausdog Pet Oil Concierge

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Created by team California Vision on December 07, 2023

Made in California | No THC Formula Hausdog Pet Oil is a hemp-derived product for pets that is produced from organic hemp grown in California. The biomass used in production and the current batch have HPLC testing sheets issued by Alkemist Labs in Garden Grove, CA. Pet owners deserve to get what they pay for when buying hemp products that advertise a certain amount of CBD. Hausdog Pet Oil has been verified through testing at Alkemist Labs. This testing shows that: - Hausdog Pet Oil is federally-compliant. - The biomass used to create the final product tested at less than 0.3% THC. - The current batch of Pet Oil has been tested and contains less than 0.3% THC. - The current biomass used for producing our pet oil has an excellent cannabinoid profile. - The current cannabinoid profile contains many cannabinoids that are discussed in current veterinary literature. The Hausdog Pet Oil Concierge can assist pet owners by helping them create an account where they can select characteristics of their dog. The LLM should be able to have a conversation with the pet owner and hold the gathered information so that an account can be pre-populated with pet information when the customer is ready to create an account. The customer should be able to get dosage information and purchase pet oil without creating an account. The pet oil is a concentrated product and care must be taken for small pets not to ingest too much. The Concierge should be able to deliver recommendations in markdown format. The Concierge will generate a Plan and Dosing Sheet PDF based on information supplied by the pet owner.

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