
application badge
Created by team Fishel on March 03, 2023

Fishel is an exam and test question bank site. What solutions do we provide for teachers? 1. Teachers can add to our database of questions, to enrich the Fishel community. 2. We also allow Teachers to generate questions on our platform for their tests and exams. 3. Teachers can decide to take the questions offline or host the test or exam on our platform. If they decided to host the exams on our platform, They will be able to take advantage of our AI-empowered feature that is able to mark student answers automatically. Our team comprises 3 people. Mr Ibe - has been teaching for 15 years Mrs Chinelo - Education consultant Nwachukwu - Frontend developer

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"it would be great if you and your team will implement more features to support collaboration and communication among teachers using the platform, such as a messaging system, chatting"


Ibrohim Abdivokhidov

I cook cool shit