Legal ease

Created by team Dragon on March 17, 2023

Legal-ease is a web-app hosting a suite of tools useful for simplifying legal documents for common use. In this way, Legal-ease offers tools to perform: 1. QnA over legal documents 2. Document summarization 3. Cross-lingual search This is great for people who dont have the time, are not native speakers of english or otherwise struggle with legal documents on a day to day basis. It is also useful for lawyers and researchers with access to a large collection of legal documents. Summarization is handled via cohere, QnA is handled via langchain, cohere's embeddings and LLM, and qdrant's excellent vector DB search.

Category tags:

"A very comprehensive set of tools."


Meor Amer

Dev Rel

"Really great idea, I also struggle with reading the legal documents and sometimes it's really hard to get the real consequences. I love the fact we can query legal documents in different languages - that's extremely helpful for the immigrants."


Kacper Lukawski

Developer Advocate

"Great product with a strong potential product-market-fit!"


Naman Parikh

"The idea is excellent. Many people including myself have difficulty reading and understanding legal documents making it challenging to grasp the actual consequences. The ability to search legal documents in various languages is particularly useful for immigrants"


Theodoros Ampas

Technical Mentor