Revisit - Personal Therapy App

Created by team Revisit on November 13, 2024

Just like computers store data to process, our brains work by storing memories. As humans, everything that we see, feel, sense, everything that happens - gets stored as memories. We might get attached to some memories more than others, that might be good, bad or affecting us in some ways. We have created Revisit - which is a personal therapy app that helps to heals memories using text, images, audio, video and is personalized assistant to users. We have used Llama, Open AI, Aria and Allegro to integrate features that help users to type their memory as text inputs and help them to heal their memories.

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"Personal therapy is a good use case for llama, however team didn't show a demo of generative image/video/audio which was described - the only thing shown is text chat. Demo link is not available. Please next time make sure that demo is working and available. Best of luck!"


Aleksei Naumov

Lead AI Product Engineer

"The application lacks clear business value and seemed basic. What is it doing that any AI assisted chat wouldn't do?"


Sundeep Goud Katta

Lead Member of Technical Staff