
application badge
Created by team Team Restart on July 04, 2024

Consumers often struggle with navigating a vast array of fashion options, finding it challenging to select outfits that align with their preferences, occasions, and budgets. This process can be time-consuming and stressful, particularly for those with busy schedules. Additionally, many individuals lack confidence in their fashion choices, unsure if their selected outfits truly reflect their unique style and personality. Introducing SonicStyles, the cutting-edge AI-powered fashion companion that revolutionizes how individuals discover and engage with fashion. Utilizing advanced artificial intelligence, SonicStyles offers personalized outfit recommendations tailored to each user’s unique style preferences, size, occasion, and budget. Users can upload photos for analysis and virtually try on outfits through face swapping technology, enhancing confidence in fashion choices and streamlining the shopping experience. SonicStyles operates on a revenue model initially driven by user subscriptions and affiliate marketing partnerships with fashion brands, earning commissions on purchases made through its recommendations and through sponsored content collaborations. Future plans include publishing SonicStyles as an API or SDK for integration with developer platforms and multinational companies, aiming to expand its influence in the fashion tech industry. Our Official Website- {} If you couldn't able to download in web, here is the apk file- {} Our Flutter Files(couldn't able to push in git), so we have uploaded in drive - {} Our Research and Buisness Plan-{} Youtube Link - {}

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