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Created by team Neural Force on August 26, 2024

AgriGuardAI is an innovative agricultural technology solution that leverages the power of IBM's to revolutionize crop management and protection. This advanced system combines cutting-edge artificial intelligence with comprehensive data analysis to provide farmers with an unprecedented level of insight into potential risks facing their crops. By integrating location-specific information, real-time climate data, and detailed crop characteristics, AgriGuardAI creates a holistic view of each farm's unique ecosystem. The AI continuously monitors and analyzes this data, using predictive modeling to anticipate a wide range of threats, from pest infestations and disease outbreaks to extreme weather events. What sets AgriGuardAI apart is its ability to deliver timely, actionable intelligence. Farmers receive real-time alerts on their mobile devices or computers, warning them of impending risks and providing expert-developed strategies to mitigate these threats. This proactive approach allows for rapid response, potentially saving entire harvests from devastation. Beyond risk management, AgriGuardAI offers valuable insights for yield optimization. By analyzing historical data and current conditions, the system can recommend optimal planting times, irrigation schedules, and fertilizer applications tailored to specific crops and locations. AgriGuardAI empowers farmers to make data-driven decisions, ultimately leading to more resilient and productive agricultural practices. This smart farming solution represents a significant step towards sustainable agriculture in the face of changing climate patterns and increasing global food demand.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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"ice job, AgriguardAI. This is a very useful tool for farmers, and I see a lot of potential, especially if it’s integrated with other applications already on the market. Good luck!"


Paulo Almeida

Grants Manager

"Good presentation PDF deck, but video only 2 minutes long. Use of IBM Granite confirmed in github code. There is business value in optimizing food production and good originality with this solution."


Tony Pearson

Software Technical Advisor

"Pretty creative application and use of granite. Well done"


Shebagi Mitra

Technical Mentor