Fill IT

Created by team Mixed Intelligence on August 26, 2024

Project Name: FILL IT Author: Umar Majeed Description: FILL IT is an automated system designed to streamline data entry processes. The project utilizes the Whisper model for transcribing audio recordings into text and the IBM Granite model for extracting information and filling out forms. The workflow involves: Audio Transcription: Converts audio files (e.g., WAV, MP3) into text using the Whisper model. Text Extraction: Extracts text and questions from a PDF form. Form Generation: Uses the IBM Granite model to generate completed form data based on the transcribed text and extracted questions. Due to technical issues, I was unable to deploy the application before the submission deadline. I am actively working on deploying it and will make it available soon. For now, I am submitting the project in its current state. The Kaggle notebook detailing the implementation is shared for reference.

Category tags:

"Good presentation video. Confirmed use of IBM Granite model in github code. There is business value in transcribing audio. Combining audio transcription with filling out standardized form questions is original."


Tony Pearson

Software Technical Advisor

"Complete project, a little more creativity would be appreciated"


Shebagi Mitra

Technical Mentor