This is a comprehensive ticketing system designed to efficiently manage and resolve client queries. When a client submits a query to the company, the system automatically generates a ticket, ensuring that no query goes unnoticed. The ticketing system is integrated with the IBM Watson API, which plays a crucial role in processing each query. Upon receiving a client query, the system passes the information to IBM Watson, which analyzes the content and generates a text-based result. This result is then transformed into a detailed issue story, offering a comprehensive understanding of the problem. The system intelligently divides this story into multiple tickets, each focusing on a specific aspect of the issue. For each ticket, the system provides potential solutions and an estimated resolution time, offering both clients and support teams a clear pathway to resolving the query. This multi-tiered approach allows for a more organized and thorough handling of complex queries, ensuring that each issue is addressed efficiently and effectively. This system not only streamlines the query resolution process but also enhances the overall client experience by providing detailed, actionable insights into each issue, along with realistic timelines for resolution. The integration of IBM Watson ensures that the analysis is precise, and the division into multiple tickets allows for a more focused and manageable approach to problem-solving.
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Abhishek Tamrakar
Jit Bahadur Khamcha
Suraj Dhakal
"This is really cool. I love how it generates a front end ticketing system. An incredible project"
Shebagi Mitra
Technical Mentor