
application badge
Created by team SamurAI on August 03, 2024

SamurAI is an AI governance platform that protects organizations against operational, regulatory, and reputational risks at every stage of the lifecycle - from development to deployment. It does so through three key features. 1. Project Inventory - SamurAI provides a catalog of all AI use cases as a centralized source of truth. This allows users to track and prioritize AI adoptions across their organization, maximizing investments and facilitating demand forecasting. 2. Conformity Assessment - SamurAI leverages its built-in RAG system to generate a risk profile for the registered projects. It is connected to an expansive legal corpus of AI-related guidelines, policies, and legislations. Users can chat with the model to develop a deeper understanding of the AI governance and ethics landscape as it applies to them. 3. Risk Reporting - SamurAI offers continuous monitoring via customizable project dashboards to ensure alignment with rapidly-evolving regulatory requirements and to build robust governance artifacts. SamurAI bridges the gap between innovation and compliance, helping organizations thrive by safeguarding them against risks.

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