web-based application designed to bridge the gap between local government operations and citizen engagement. This comprehensive platform serves as a digital town square, offering a transparent and interactive view of various aspects of government performance and community well-being. Key Features and Components: 1. Government Performance Index: This central metric provides an at-a-glance assessment of overall government effectiveness. It consolidates various performance indicators into a single, easy-to-understand score out of 100, allowing citizens to quickly gauge the government's overall competence and efficiency. 2. Citizen Satisfaction Rating: Using a familiar five-star rating system, this component reflects the collective voice of the community. It offers immediate insight into how well the government is meeting the needs and expectations of its constituents. 3. Policy Implementation Progress: This feature tracks the government's follow-through on its promises and initiatives. By displaying the percentage of manifesto items initiated or completed, it holds the administration accountable for its commitments and gives citizens a clear view of policy execution. 4. Budget Utilization: Through an intuitive visual breakdown, this section illuminates how public funds are allocated and spent across various sectors such as education, healthcare, and infrastructure. It promotes fiscal transparency and allows citizens to assess spending priorities. Using AI to analyze and comment on department health 5. Community Engagement Level 6. Top Citizen Concerns 7. Response Time 8. Transparency Score 9. Environmental Impact 10. Economic Health Indicator 11. Interactive Voting System:
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George Karani
Inuwa Abraham
AI Engineer
Danish Mustafa