
application badge
Created by team WordForge on April 30, 2023

The goal is to develop AI Tools to help in the creation of text content for e-commerce shops. The idea is a text generator specialized in product descriptions and website texts. The user gives a few inputs in a fast, simple and interactive way and then LangChain creates the prompts and ChatGPT the desired text. Advantages for users : Generate very accurate texts, perfectly tailored to your brand, communication strategy and tone It enables coherent and consistent communication throughout the website, as you will always use the same parameters for a specific brand. It will help e-commerce owners leverage the full potential of the web shop and translate it into other languages.

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"Great job on market research and picking your niche! I'd love to see you as Slingshot applicant to develop it further!"


Olesia Zinchenko

Product Marketing Manager

"Great job on coming up with WordForge! I love how you've combined LangChain and ChatGPT to create an AI tool focused on e-commerce content. It's awesome that you're targeting a growing market in Switzerland (and the world), which will definitely benefit from more coherent, consistent, and tailored content. Keep up the good work!"


Nate Rundberg

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