Flowgenn - AI Sales Outreach Assistant

Created by team MultiAgentsAI on September 14, 2024

Flowgenn is an advanced AI-powered sales automation platform that uses CrewAI to create specialized AI agents for each task in the sales outreach process. The platform helps businesses automate personalized outreach at scale. Users begin by uploading a CSV file of contacts, a business document, and instructions. CrewAI then assigns AI agents to handle each task. One agent extracts key details from the business document to generate a concise summary, while another drafts personalized emails for each contact based on the instructions provided. These agents ensure that each email is relevant and tailored to the recipient. Flowgenn integrates with Llama (LLM) for natural language understanding and the Gmail API to send emails, fully automating the outreach process. This frees up sales teams from repetitive tasks, allowing them to focus on building relationships and closing deals. Flowgenn’s modular AI system adapts to different business needs, ensuring efficiency and higher engagement.

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