From Hackathons to Market Leadership: OS Designers’ Launch of Oscorp

Monday, July 01, 2024 by mihir
From Hackathons to Market Leadership: OS Designers’ Launch of Oscorp

In the ever-evolving world of artificial intelligence, the journey from inception to product launch is often arduous and unpredictable. For OS Designers, this journey has been marked by a series of strategic milestones, from competing in hackathons to participating in AI accelerators. As they prepare to launch their flagship product, Oscorp, a platform designed to integrate multiple AI services, the story of their evolution offers a blueprint for aspiring AI startups.

The Genesis of OS Designers

Originating from a shared past at an AI-driven financial company in South Korea, three visionaries coalesced to disrupt the AI status quo. Frustrated by the cumbersome management of distinct AI models, they conceived a groundbreaking solution: a unified interface that allows different AI systems to communicate and interact seamlessly. This idea became the cornerstone of OS Designers, setting them on a path to revolutionize AI interactions.

Reflecting on the formative days, Kim Jinho, a co-founder, shared, "We were all motivated by the same vision. It wasn’t just about solving a technical problem; it was about seeing a future where AI systems could work together more effectively." This shared vision was the glue that brought the founding team together, each founder giving a unique set of skills crucial to the venture's success.

The Journey Begins: lablab Hackathon

The team's first significant breakthrough came at the lablab hackathon, an event they entered with little more than a vision and a nascent product idea. They designed a multi-agent system aimed at building a more effective AI assistant. Despite the intense competition, with over 5,000 participants, OS Designers secured an impressive 5th place. More than just a ranking, the hackathon provided them with critical insights and validation. “The hackathon was a pivotal moment,” recalls Jinho. “We came up with the UI concept for Oscorp just two days before the deadline, which turned out to be a crucial decision for our product’s development.”

Advancing with lablab NEXT (Slingshot)

Following their success at the hackathon, OS Designers caught the attention of lablab NEXT (formerly known as Slingshot), the AI accelerator program. The program offered them weekly mentoring sessions and intensive feedback, which helped them shift their focus from purely technical development to a more holistic approach, including commercial and market strategies. Jinho emphasizes the transformative impact of their participation: “The mentoring sessions were incredibly beneficial, they pushed us to think deeply about all aspects of our product, not just development but also the business side. This balance was crucial in shaping our approach to building Oscorp.”

Scaling New Heights with GAIA

After graduating from lablab NEXT, OS Designers set their sights on the GAIA program in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. This program was particularly appealing due to Saudi Arabia's significant investments in AI and its burgeoning AI ecosystem. The program's unique environment enabled them to tap into a new network and integrate their offerings with regional and global market needs, particularly emphasizing on-premise AI solutions for enhanced data security. By participating in GAIA, OS Designers aimed to integrate deeply with this ecosystem and expand their global capabilities. “Being part of GAIA allowed us to connect with local entrepreneurs, investors, and industry leaders,” explains Jinho. “We learned a lot about the market needs, especially the preference for on-premise AI solutions for data security, which we incorporated into our product improvements.”

Launching Oscorp

As Oscorp nears its launch, OS Designers are prepared to provide a platform that enables users to leverage multiple AI services seamlessly. Unlike many who believe in the supremacy of a single AI model, OS Designers envision a future where various specialized AI services work together to solve complex tasks. “Our primary goal with Oscorp is to offer users an experience that goes beyond just using chat-based AI,” says Jinho. “We want to enable diverse use cases by integrating different AI services on one platform.”

Advice for Aspiring Startups

Having navigated the challenging path from a simple idea to a market-ready product, Jinho offers valuable advice for other startups. “Participating in programs like lablab hackathons and accelerators can be incredibly beneficial. These experiences help you refine your ideas, develop MVPs, and gain crucial market insights.” As they prepare to introduce Oscorp, OS Designers' journey exemplifies the power of vision, collaboration, and the willingness to adapt, setting a benchmark in the AI landscape. Their story not only chronicles the ascent of OS Designers but also serves as a guiding light to innovators aiming to carve their niche in the ever-expanding universe of artificial intelligence.

To read more about OS Designers and Oscorp, follow these links: