code Buddy

application badge
Created by team coding buddy on May 03, 2024

Feature 1: Personalized Roadmap Creation Users input their programming experience, preferred learning method, and field of interest. CodeCraft generates a tailored learning roadmap, leveraging Google resources for comprehensive guidance. Feature 2: Adaptive Learning Users explore any topic within their roadmap. CodeCraft suggests relevant YouTube tutorials based on user preferences. Feature 3: Problem Statement Generation CodeCraft provides curated problem statements aligned with the user's field of interest. Developers practice coding in real-world scenarios, enhancing their skills. Feature 4: Code Debugging Assistance Users run their code within the platform. CodeCraft detects errors and provides detailed guidance on debugging techniques.

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"it is perfect code buddy you could ever had. it is a dream come true for developer. keep working on it, you just need to modify your video ppt to include the ppt and demo together. "


Walaa Nasr Elghitany

Data scientist and doctor

"Keep up the great work! Just a small tweak: As Walaa said try merging your video presentation with the demo to make it even better"


Theodoros Ampas

Technical Mentor