New theme Interactive Cultural Calendar: An app that lists upcoming cultural events across Benin, such as festivals, traditional celebrations, concerts and art exhibitions, allowing users to discover and participate in local cultural life. The days of the walks will also be listed on the calendar. We can also integrate other events with purely traditional connotations (Nonvitcha, Wemewhe and others, just to please the good ladies) Observation (Problem) WHova and other event management apps offer packages only for intellectual forums or much more modern events, which clearly disadvantages cultural and traditional events. The rare applications that manage the event calendar in Benin are in French, which excludes a large part of the population A variety of good ladies and great acquaintances have difficulty identifying the days of the market Features (Services) Offering a multilingual user interface where users can select their preferred language, including local languages of Benin, to view app content in the language that suits them best. Use machine translation services to automatically translate descriptions of cultural events into local languages, making it easy for local users to understand event details and information. Economic model Offer service packs to event organizers Propose partnerships with event organizers and tourism offices to distribute sponsored advertisements. Set up an affiliate system to reward users who invest. Targets -Good ladies and traders -Tourists -Beninese passionate about cultural events
16 May 2024