
Vishal Kumar@vishalx360

Ranking system
is under improvement


Events attended


Submissions made


6 years of experience

About me

Hello! I'm Vishal, a tech enthusiast with a passion for problem-solving through technology. Over the years, my coding journey has been shaped by a variety of experiences, from freelancing and open-source contributions to part-time roles and internships. Here’s a bit about my journey: - I’ve participated in 30+ global hackathons, winning 8 competitions, where I've demonstrated creativity and resilience in competitive settings. - I bring proficiency in a range of development tools and frameworks, adding valuable skills to any team I join. - As an active member of the Google Developer Group (Bangalore and Kolkata) and a former Google Code-in volunteer, I enjoy engaging with the community and contributing to open-source projects. Thank you Vishal Kumar


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