1 year of experience
Highly adaptable and results-driven professional with extensive experience in optical services and sales. Skilled in effective communication, fostering long-lasting relationships with clients and colleagues. Expertise in negotiation and mediation, with a proven ability to excel under pressure through efficient multitasking. Strong analytical mindset and adept at interpreting statistics, which have been pivotal in driving success throughout my career. Committed to continuous learning and collective achievement, I thrive in dynamic environments, demonstrating flexibility and resilience. Guided by empathy and charisma, I excel at leading teams toward shared success and enjoy leveraging my skills to take on new professional challenges, contributing to the growth of innovative and visionary organizations.
Muchas regiones en Am茅rica Latina enfrentan desaf铆os significativos de acceso a la salud, conectividad limitada, barreras geogr谩ficas, y escasez de servicios m茅dicos. Una soluci贸n es MedOffLine: un Android App offline impulsada por el modelo ligero Meta Llama 3.2 (3B) que permite tener: Gu铆as de primeros auxilios, diagn贸sticos preliminares basados en s铆ntomas, informaci贸n sobre medicamentos b谩sicos (dosis, efectos secundarios), orientaci贸n sobre cu谩ndo y d贸nde buscar ayuda m茅dica y material educativo sobre prevenci贸n de enfermedades comunes. Tiene un Impacto Directo y Medible y Alta viabilidad.
25 Nov 2024