1 year of experience
I was born in Brazil, and moved with my family to the USA when I was 18 years old, when my eyes opened to the world. As time went by, I took a keen interest in different cultures, languages, and fell in love with Europe. In 2017, I got my U.S. Passport to visit Sweden and Norway. In 2021, I moved to Argentina and lived there for about 2 years. When 2023 was on the horizon, I set a life objective to establish residency in Europe and become a citizen. During my trajectory from being in the US to now, I had to learn to look for information, and thus, learn the laws, regulations, requirements, limitations; how to apply and follow up, etc. on establishing residence and citizenship in the US, Argentina, and now, Italy. That allowed me to obtain the experience and the knowledge in how to get started and getting it done, when it comes to residency and citizenship. I excel in communicating, can speak different languages, and have a passion for helping and facilitating people who have the drive and want to get ahead in life in an ethical way. I value personal growth, and I gladly share my experiences, what I learned from them, what I did to overcome them and how you can do it, it your own way, if you wish. My often restless mind, coupled with my creativity and curiosity make me a wild dice that can get some of the most innovative numbers. Let's talk and...toss my mind around. :)
First of foremost, this is a project to learn, explore, and experiment with cloud services and/or AI within the context of reaching the goal of obtaining European citizenship. My vision is to be the first to deliver an all-encompassing (or as close as possible) service for people that want to follow their dream of moving to Europe and establishing a new life. That includes, for example, from making free, up-to-date information available in a easy format; obtaining all necessary information, processing it with the respecting authorities, and follow-up for quick turnovers; facilitating documents, travel, housing, language, health, culture, and more. Part of this vision is to also bond with local authorities and governments in order to form alliances that would be beneficial to all: immigrants will be living their dream, while the host cities will get the economy (and in some cases, a much-needed population) boost. Further down the road, I plan to expand to more countries, and/or purchase a hostel-style building, where these dream-followers can not only have a place to rest, but also contribute to the local community, learn their language, culture, be eager to get a job and a place to call home. There are many moving parts and factors to consider in this endeavor when taken to a broader spectrum, instead of one person. Apart from the main vein of citizenship acquisition, there are several complementary, parallel, and ancillary parts that can also benefit from these technologies. According to Bing Chat, there was a 14% increase in citizenship applications in 2020, reaching a staggering 827,300 granted citizenships in 2021. Spain had 27%, followed by Italy with 18% of that total number. Keep in mind that the number equivalent to the demand for citizenship services would be much higher, without considering the demand for residency and other types of visa. I hope to be able to confirm that Google Cloud has the tools for me to kickstart and grow my vision!
10 Jul 2023