5 years of experience
EXPERIENCES PROFESSIONNELLES 2023-2024 Enseignante vacataire (département de mathématique– UCBET– El Taref-): 1. Chargé de cours (structure machine). 2. Chargé de TD (structure machine). 2022-2023 Enseignante vacataire (département de pharmacie – UBMA-El Bouni-): 3. Chargé de cours (algorithmique). 4. Chargé de TD (algorithmique). 2022-2023 Enseignante vacataire (département d' informatique" – UBMA-Sidi Amar-): 1. Chargé de TP (théorie de langage en python). 2021-2022 Enseignante vacataire à l'École Supérieure de Technologies Industrielles 'ESTI': 1. Chargé de TP (algorithmique avancé en python « Spyder »). 2020-2022 Enseignante vacataire (– UBMA- département des sciences humaines et sociales): 1. Chargé de TD (Informatique) 2019-2020 Enseignante vacataire (– UBMA- département d' "ST" -Sidi Amar-): 1. Chargé de TP (programmation « langage C ») Publications Internationales: Zouaidia Khouloud, Rais Med Saber , Ghanemi Salim. Weather Forecasting based on Hybrid Decomposition Methods and Adaptive Deep Learning Strategy, accepted in Neural Computing andApplicationsJournal (2023), Impact Factor: 6.0. Zouaidia Khouloud, Ghanemi Salim, Rais Med Saber , Bougueroua Lamine. Hybrid intelligent framework for one-day ahead wind speed forecasting, published in Neural Computing and ApplicationsJournal (2021), Impact Factor: 6.0. Med Saber Rais, Rachid Boudour, Khouloud Zouaidia, Bougueroua Lamine. Decision making for autonomous vehicles in highway scenarios using Harmonic SK Deep SARSA, published in Applied Intelligence Journal (2023), Impact Factor: 5.3. Med Saber Rais, Khouloud Zouaidia , Rachid Boudour. Enhanced decision making in multi- scenarios forautonomous vehicles using alternative bidirectional Q network, published in Neural Computing and Applications Journal (2022), Impact Factor: 6.0. Communications Internationales Zouaidia Khouloud, Ghanemi Salim, Rais Med Saber, Wind Speed Forecasting Based on Discrete Wavelet Transform, Moving Average Method and Gated Recurrent Unit. In: Hatti M. (eds) Artificial Intelligence and Renewables Towards an Energy Transition. ICAIRES 2020.accepted to be published in Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 174. Springer,Cham (2021). Zouaidia Khouloud and Rais Med Saber, Multi‐Step Wind Speed Forecasting Based on Hybrid Deep Learning Model and Trailing Moving Average Denoising Technique,In IEEEINTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RECENT ADVANCES IN MATHEMATICS AND INFORMATICS (ICRAMI’2021). Zouaidia Khouloud, Salim GHANEMI, Med Saber RAIS ,Hourly Wind Speed Forecasting using FFT Encoder-Decoder-LSTM in South West of Algeria (Adrar), the third Conference on Informatics andApplied Mathematics paper 58–IAM-(2020)-Selected paper-. Med Saber Rais, Rachid Boudour, Khouloud Zouaidia , Avoiding Obstacles in a Road With a Maze Structure Using Reinforcement Learning Methods, the third Conference on Informatics and Applied Mathematics 41-50 -IAM- (2020) CEUR-WS.org/Vol-2748. Communications nationales : Khouloud Zouaidia, Med Saber Rais, Quantum-Inspired Swarm Intelligence Optimization Framework for Advanced Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems , National Conference on Renewable Energy, Photovoltaic Materials and Devices, NC-REPVMD 24, January 17 and 18, BECHAR, Algeria. Med Saber Rais, Khouloud Zouaidia , Rachid Boudour, Bougueroua Lamine, Large-Step GRU-DQN: A deep Reinforcement Learning Approach for Dynamic Vehicle Control in Intersections, The First National Conference on New Educational Technologies and Informatics NCNETI23, University of 8 Mai 1945, Guelma.