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Consider the following: healthcare professionals spend 16 hours per week on paperwork and administrative tasks. One out of every five days is dedicated to post-consultation paperwork and referencing HCPCS codes for insurance companies. In the US, an inefficient administration and overhead in healthcare squander $600 billion annually, accounting for 30% of the total healthcare expenditure. Leveraging Cohere's Summarize API and the Coral Chat API, along with OpenAI's Whisper model, Charting enables physicians and patients to record conversations during clinical visits or video call sessions. The Whisper model generates transcriptions by accessing the device's microphone, and then Cohere's Summarize API produces insightful bullet-point summaries of the full transcriptions. Another key feature of Charting is its Search function. Using Cohere's Chat API, physicians and patients can search the internet and obtain ad-free answers. To build trustworthiness, the top 5 sources of these answers, along with their original URLs, are displayed for further research.