Our product is a Web based Application which improves the efficiency of chat based support systems by automating repetitive parts of the workflow. This is done by utilising Cohere’s API in order to provide smart shortcuts for the Chat Support Agents. We aim to maximise Customer and Customer Support Agent satisfaction by making the lookup of product and service related answers instantaneous, thereby allowing the Customer Support Agent to put more effort into the interaction with the customer rather than the mundane task of researching answers.
21 Aug 2022
We all understand what Cohere Generate and Classify do. But embed ...?! Introducing ... Cohere Analyze. You can upload any csv file. You then have 3 options. EDA gives you an overview of the data and you can get some general exploratory data analysis. Cluster, allows you to do some group analysis, with keywords generated from the body of the text and using the titles. And finally, Search, allows you to query the data and retrieve the closest match. This has significant business value because now you can gain business insights using cluster that are non-trivial. You can search a knowledge-base or other internal data sources for information. Cohere Analyze is what we have all been waiting for, to better utilize Embed.
5 Sep 2022
Traditional customer service web chat is dead. Customers have a poor experience while they wait for inexperienced customer service agents to respond to queries and work through their systems. It's not surprising that most customers come away feeling frustrated. Businesses must take the time to train staff but this comes at a high cost. Introducing co:here chat. Not only does this address the business challenges but it uses most of the components from the co:here stack. With co:here chat customer service web chat might not be dead after all.
21 Nov 2022