**Gaia** is an innovative mobile app designed to provide safety and emotional support to women, especially those who are alone or in potentially risky situations. Thanks to artificial intelligence, the app simulates a conversation with the user, creating the illusion of companionship and offering reassurance in moments of stress or fear. This emotional support helps the user feel less alone and more secure, improving psychological well-being in vulnerable situations. In addition, Gaia allows you to contact emergency services quickly and directly, in the event that you perceive an imminent danger. The emergency call function, with a simple click, can make the difference in crucial moments, allowing a timely response from the police or rescue services. The app also includes an interactive map that highlights the areas at greatest risk, based on real-time emergency call data. This tool allows users to avoid potentially dangerous places, improving their personal safety. In addition, the information collected can be used by law enforcement to optimize resources and focus interventions in areas with greater safety issues. Although primarily designed for women, Gaia has a wide potential for use by other vulnerable groups, such as the elderly or people with disabilities, thus expanding its positive impact on society. With a simple and intuitive interface, Gaia aims to become a daily ally for anyone who wants to feel safer and more supported in any situation.
1 Dec 2024