1 year of experience
I am Ayush Varshney, a final year BTech student in Computer Science and Engineering at The LNM Institute of Information Technology, Jaipur. My primary interests revolve around the exciting realms of Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, and Natural Language Processing. I have a profound passion for exploring large language models and their applications. Through personal projects, I've gained hands-on experience developing AI-powered chatbots, research tools, and natural language interfaces by leveraging cutting-edge technologies like LangChain, Google PaLM, and OpenAI. Additionally, my summer research internship allowed me to work on deep learning techniques for generating high-quality synthetic images. Beyond academics, I've actively contributed to the cultural life on campus as the Y20 UG Senator for the Cultural Council, promoting extracurricular activities and serving as a bridge between students and the administration. With a diverse skill set encompassing programming languages, cloud computing, and version control, I am excited to embark on a fulfilling career journey in the ever-evolving technology field.
The job application process can be daunting and time-consuming, especially in today's dynamic job market. With advancements in AI and the proliferation of job platforms, there is a growing need for a solution that streamlines and automates the job application process. Inspired by this challenge, we introduce Super Human AI, an advanced AI agent designed to revolutionize job application procedures. Super Human AI is an ultimate hyper-personalized AI agent that help to increase and automate the process of reaching companies. Problem statement: Job seekers, experienced or freshers, encounter significant obstacles in reaching out to companies and securing employment opportunities. Despite possessing relevant education and skills, many struggle to connect with a sufficient number of potential employers. The fragmentation of job listings across various platforms exacerbates this issue, highlighting the need for a platform-agnostic solution to automate and optimize the job application process. Solution: Super Human AI is an AI Agent to simplify and optimize the job application process. Here are the core components: 1. Selenium Browser Automation Integration: Selenium is utilized to automate web browsers, enabling Super Human AI to navigate job platforms, search for relevant positions, and fill out application forms seamlessly. 2. Advanced RAG-based Job Application Filler: The AI agent incorporates a sophisticated algorithm based on Red, Amber, and Green (RAG) indicators to prioritize job listings and customize application responses. This ensures that job seekers focus their efforts on opportunities that align closely with their qualifications and preferences. 3. Email Automation Integration: Super Human AI integrates email automation capabilities to facilitate communication with employers. Automated email responses are sent to confirm application submissions, follow up on application status, and schedule interviews, streamlining the entire job application process.
19 Apr 2024