1 year of experience
Pyttsx3 is a Python library for text-to-speech synthesis. It provides functionality to initialize a speech engine, register event callbacks, control speech production, and manage properties. Below is a summary of key functionalities and examples: Pyttsx3 Initialization: pyttsx3.init(): Initializes the speech engine and returns an engine instance. Engine Interface: connect(): Registers event callbacks for various speech synthesis events. disconnect(): Unregisters a notification callback. getProperty(): Gets the current value of an engine property. setProperty(): Sets an engine property. isBusy(): Checks if the engine is currently speaking. runAndWait(): Blocks until all queued commands are processed. say(): Queues a command to speak an utterance. startLoop(): Starts an event loop for processing commands and notifications. stop(): Stops the current utterance and clears the command queue. Voice Metadata: pyttsx3.voice.Voice: Contains information about a speech synthesizer voice. Examples: Speaking Text: Basic usage of the library to speak text. Saving Voice to File: Saving synthesized speech to a file. Listening for Events: Registering callbacks for speech synthesis events. Interrupting an Utterance: Stopping speech synthesis based on certain conditions. Changing Voices: Switching between available voices. Changing Speech Rate: Adjusting the speech rate dynamically. Changing Volume: Modifying the speech volume. Running a Driver Event Loop: Demonstrating how to use the library's event loop. Using an External Event Loop: Integrate with an external event loop. Pyttsx3 provides a simple yet powerful interface for text-to-speech synthesis in Python applications, offering flexibility in voice selection, speech rate adjustment, and event handling. With its intuitive API, developers can seamlessly integrate speech synthesis capabilities into their projects.