ToSsed is a website that utilises AI, particularly the Falcon-180b LLM to summarise Terms of Service. "I have read and agreed to the terms of service". No you haven't. ToSsed aims to fix that. By inputting the terms of service into a text field, the website will present a summary in a bullet pointed format to outline the key details of the ToS, especially those of which breach your right most apparently. Under each bullet point, you can expand the description to further elaborate on what the summarised bullet point means and the exact quotations it got from the ToS. Finally, to provide a true comprehensive summary, ToSsed will prove a grading much akin to the grading system ToS;DR's ( Fundamentally, the key value that ToSsed offers is that information is not crowdsourced, meaning that it can account for any ToS inputted, combatting the issue with ToS;DR only supporting bigger or more popular websites having summarised ToS, especially since ToS gets updated all the time. Pretty much, ToSsed serves for a user-rights initiative.
7 Aug 2024