
Brian AI@ElectricEccentrics

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AI Tinkerer

United States

5 years of experience

About me

Long time tech enthusiast. I started my career in 2004 as a computer technician. I then moved into automation scripting and then eventually database administration. Since then, I've gone back and forth between data and software analysis. My last position was as Data Integrity Analyst. I have always been excited about A.I. and ML. I finally decided to make a career transition this year and dove head first into learning everything I can. I'm looking for a team to collaborate with and possibly join or create a startup. I just want to make something really cool and useful. My strength has always been knowing many different technologies and putting them together in unique ways. My skillset: Windows and Linux Server Administration Database Administration Reporting Data Integrity Software debugging Automation Open a beer with a dollar bill AWS EC2, EBS, S3, Lambda, API Gateway Server builds C#, Python, VBS, SQL, HTML, CSS, JS, JSON, APIs When I'm not building my robot army, I enjoy several other hobbies: electronics homesteading carpentry gardening backcountry hiking playing guitar teaching my cat how to do the dishes Hit me up on Discord if you are looking for someone on your next project or just want to talk tech!
