Nowadays there are so many students and mothers who are willing to improve, but with no money (obviously with no work), are being unable to do so. Our team’s solution is this: Use the vacancy finder website while sorting it into the "knowledge" and directing it (via summarization through GPT-3) to the resources to learn from.
31 Oct 2022
We decided to extract vacancy finder website through image text cohere ai, and then use non-code app in order to solve registration problems of the vacancies.
21 Nov 2022
To get MongoDB queries (output) as a response to the UI. In other words, MongoDB Query is a way to get the data from the MongoDB database. MongoDB queries provide the simplicity in process of fetching data from the database, it’s similar to SQL queries in SQL Database language.
5 Dec 2022
Semantic search has been used in daily life applications, especially for the elderly people in speech-recognition, because they are not able to use touch device due to their bad eyesight. Speech recognition is one of the applications of semantic search, and for this there have been used NLP and Preprocessing. As a result, the information is gathered as a cluster, which then embedded into a system. Moreover, the politics has also been analyzed through preprocessing which is branch of NLP that is being used in semantic search.
24 Dec 2022